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What does the treatment process look like?The treatment program consists of a sixteen-week program. You will be guided in changing your lifestyle for two half-days a week. This allows you to function optimally again and you can enjoy your daily life again. Various types of practitioners are involved in the treatment process. Also your referrer, general practitioner and, if necessary, your company doctor. The treatment process requires full commitment and dedication from all involved. This allows us to maximize your progress. You are not yet 'done' at the end of the treatment process. You have gained a lot of knowledge and skills. As a result, you have made progress and you can enjoy your daily life again. It's important to keep it up. And we are happy to help you with that! We do this with the help of our relapse prevention process. Want to know how we can change your lifestyle? Would you like to enjoy your daily life again? Then click on one of the buttons below. We look forward to seeing you at Spine!
How long does the treatment process take?The treatment process takes about 16 weeks, depending on personal circumstances and personal goals.
Is the treatment process the same for everyone?No. Each treatment program is drawn up on the basis of your intake and your diagnosis (examination). characterized by personal goals
I don't have time for the treatment process, is there an abbreviated form?The treatment program has a fixed form in which the time investment in yourself is determined on the basis of your personal objectives and circumstances. Although the content of the treatment process differs per person, its duration is approximately the same for everyone. This is mainly because the various learning processes and adjustments generally require a certain amount of time, namely between twelve and sixteen weeks.
Is the treatment program available in languages other than Dutch?Yes. If it appears that there is a language barrier that prevents the care from being provided in an appropriate manner, an interpreter can be used in consultation. The organization that is committed to the quality of medical care and public health (KNMG) says the following about this: For good care, doctors and other care providers need more extensive use of professional interpreters, as was already shown in NIVEL research (2016). This mainly concerns situations in which the patient does not speak enough Dutch , the nature of the care demand requires a professional interpreter and the patient is demonstrably unable to afford a professional interpreter. These patients run additional health risks without an interpreter, as does society as a whole, for example in the case of infectious diseases. In addition, misunderstandings lead to extra use of care and therefore to extra costs . ( text=The%20interpreting scheme%20limited%20%20since,account%20are%20brought%20at%20health insurers.)
Are there other costs that I have to pay myself?No. Spine's services are covered by the basic insurance and are therefore always insured. This means that, with a doctor's referral, there are no own costs for the service. The only exception to this is the mandatory excess imposed by the government.
How do I add a new question and answer?Follow the following steps to add new FAQs: Click the 'Manage questions' button From your site's dashboard, click 'Add question' and add a new question and answer Each new question must be assigned to a category Then click on 'Save' and then on 'Publish'. You can always edit your questions and answers, change the order and select other categories.
Do I have to pay the difference between the claim amount and the amount paid out?Spine's care is covered by basic insurance and is therefore always insured. This means that, with a doctor's referral, there are no personal costs for the provision of care. An exception to this is your own risk. The level of the healthcare rates in the Netherlands is determined by the Dutch Healthcare Authority. But the amount of the reimbursement you receive for your care is determined by the health insurers in the Netherlands. And they are not always right. The reimbursement by health insurers depends, among other things, on the policy you have taken out. Different health insurers also reimburse a different amount for the same care. The reimbursements paid by health insurers are almost always lower than the rates set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority. The costs that are not reimbursed by the health insurer will be borne by Spine. So they will never be charged to you. In this way, the care remains affordable at a reasonable price. And always accessible. Also for you. Do you want to enjoy your daily life again? Then click on one of the buttons below. We look forward to seeing you at Spine!
Where can I report a complaint?Although Spine does its utmost to provide you with appropriate care, it may happen that you disagree with the course of events. If you have a complaint about the service or a Spine employee, a fixed protocol applies: 1. You can always discuss this complaint with one of your practitioners. 2. You (or your practitioner) can report your complaint to the Spine complaints officer. You can do this by sending an email to for the attention of "the complaints officer" . 3. If your complaint has not been resolved properly, you can make your complaint known to the Disputes Committee Care. ( you-don't-come-to-a-solution/)
Is there waiting time?There is no waiting time for the intake at Spine. This means that you can go the same week and often the same day. There may be a waiting time before starting the treatment process, the current waiting times are indicated on our website.
Where should I report sick?You can do this by telephone (076-5223353), preferably as early as possible, at the secretariat or your practitioner.
Is a sample pain diary available?Yes. You can download an example here. Various examples can be found online and also apps (often for a fee).
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